??????? All aspects of the design, machinery and equipment safety throughout the machinery and equipment manufacturing, transportation, installation, commissioning, operation, repair and personnel training etc.. Here and share is occurrence and prevention of mechanical accident.
??????? 一、機械事故發(fā)生的直接原因
??????? Direct cause of the accident, machinery
??????? 1.機械的不安全狀態(tài)
??????? Unsafe state of 1 machine
??????? (l)防護、保險、信號等裝置缺乏或有缺陷。
??????? ( L ) protection, insurance, signal devices lack or defective.
??????? ①無防護
??????? Without protection
??????? 無防護罩,無安全保險裝置,無報警裝置,無安全標志,無護欄或護欄損壞,設備電氣未接地,盡緣不良,噪聲大,無窮位裝置等。
??????? No shield, no insurance safety devices, no alarm device, no safety signs, no barrier or fence damaged, electrical equipment ungrounded, defective insulations, large noise, infinite device etc..
??????? ②防護不當
??????? The improper protection
??????? 防護罩未在適當位置,防護裝置調整不當,安全間隔不夠,電氣裝置帶電部分裸露等。
??????? The protective cover is not in place, protective device adjusts improper, safety distance is not enough, the live parts exposed electrical apparatus.
??????? (2)設備、設施、工具、附件有缺陷。
??????? ( 2 ) equipment, facilities, tools, accessories have defects.
??????? ①設備在非正常狀態(tài)下運行,設備帶“病”運轉,超負荷定轉等。
??????? The equipment operating in abnormal condition, equipment with "disease " operation, overload control etc..
??????? ②維修、調整不良,設備失修,保養(yǎng)不當,設備失靈,未加潤滑油等。
??????? To repair, adjust the bad, equipment disrepair, improper maintenance, equipment failure, without lubricating oil etc..
??????? ③機械強度不夠,盡緣強度不夠,起吊重物的繩索分歧安全要求等。
??????? The mechanical strength is not enough, as far as edge strength is not enough, a different security requirements of lifting heavy objects.
??????? ④設計不當,結構分歧安全要求,制動裝置有缺陷,安全間距不夠,工件上有鋒利毛刺、毛邊、設備上有鋒利倒棱等。
??????? The improper design, structural differences in the safety requirements, a braking device defect, safety distance is not enough, the workpiece is sharp, sharp burr, burr chamfer, equipment.
??????? (3)個人防護用品、用具。如防護服、手套、護目鏡及面罩、呼吸器官護具、安全帶、安全帽、安全鞋等缺少或有缺陷。
??????? ( 3 ) personal protective equipment, appliances. Such as protective clothing, gloves, goggles and masks, respiratory equipment, safety belt, safety helmet, safety shoes missing or defective.
??????? ①所用防護用品、用具不符合安全要求。
??????? ①the protective supplies, equipment does not meet the safety requirements.
??????? ②無個人防護用品、用具。
??????? Without personal protective equipment, appliances.
??????? (4)生產場地環(huán)境不良
??????? ( 4 ) the production site environment
??????? ①透風不良
??????? The ventilation adverse
??????? 無透風,透風系統(tǒng)效率低等。
??????? No ventilation, ventilation system efficiency is low.
??????? ②照明光線不良
??????? In the light of bad
??????? 包括照度不足,作業(yè)場所煙霧煙塵彌漫、視物不清,光線過強,有眩光等。
??????? Including the illumination is insufficient, the smoke dust in workplaces diffuse, blurred vision, glare light is too strong, etc..
??????? ③作業(yè)場地雜亂
??????? The ground clutter
??????? 工具、制品、材料堆放不安全。
??????? Tools, products, materials stacked unsafe.
??????? ④作業(yè)場所狹窄。
??????? The workplace stenosis.
??????? (5)操縱工序設計或配置不安全,交叉作業(yè)過多。
??????? ( 5 ) operating process design or configuration is not secure, the cross of too much homework.
??????? (6)地面滑,地面有油或其他液體,有冰雪。地面有易滑物如圓柱形管子、料頭、滾珠等。
??????? ( 6 ) the ground slippery, the ground to have oil or other liquid, ice and snow. The ground is slippery substance such as a cylindrical pipe, head, ball etc..
??????? (7)交通線路的配置不安全。
??????? ( 7 ) the traffic line is not configured security.
??????? (8)貯存方法不安全,堆放過高、不穩(wěn)。
??????? ( 8 ) the storage method is not safe, piling up too high, instability.
??????? 2.操縱者的不安全行為
??????? Unsafe behavior of 2 manipulators
??????? 這些不安全行為可能是有意的或無意的。
??????? These are not safety may be intentional or unintentional.
??????? (l)操縱錯誤、忽視安全、忽視警告包括未經許可開動、關停、移動機器;開動、關停機器時未給信號;開關未鎖緊,造成意外轉動;忘記封閉設備;忽視警告標志、警告信號,操縱錯誤(如按錯按鈕、閥門、搬手、痛處的操縱方向相反);供料或送料速度過快,機械超速運轉;沖壓機作業(yè)時手伸進沖模;違章駕駛機動車;工件刀具緊固不牢.,用壓縮空氣吹鐵屑等。
??????? ( L ) handling error, neglect of safety, ignoring warnings including unauthorized use, shutting down, moving machine; start, shut off the machine not to signal; switch is not locked, causing accidental rotation; forget closing devices; ignored the warning signs, warning signs, handling error ( such as press the wrong button, valve, move the steering hand, sore opposite ); feed or feed speed, mechanical overdrive; in die hand operation of stamping machine; illegal driving motor vehicles; cutter and workpiece fastening and not in prison., with compressed air blowing scraps.
??????? (2)使用不安全設備。臨時使用不牢固的設施如工作梯,使用無安全裝置的設備,臨時拉線不符合安全要求等。
??????? ( 2) do not use safety equipment. The temporary use of unstable facilities such as a ladder, the use of equipment without safety device, temporary cable does not meet safety requirements.
??????? (3)機械運轉時加油、修理、檢查、調整、焊接或清掃。
??????? ( 3 ) when the machine runs, repair, inspection, adjustment of gas, welding or cleaning.
??????? (4)造成安全裝置失效。拆除了安全裝置,安全裝置失往作用。
??????? ( 4 ) caused by the failure of safety equipment. The dismantling of the safety devices, safety devices lose effect.
??????? 調整錯誤造成安全裝置失效。
??????? Adjust the error caused the failure of safety equipment.
??????? (5)用手代替工具操縱。用手代替手動工具,用手清理切屑。不用夾具固定,用手拿工件進行機械加工等。
??????? ( 5 ) the hand instead of tools for manipulating. The hand instead of hand tools, cutting cleaning by hand. Do not clamp is fixed, with the hand of the workpiece machining.
??????? (6)攀、坐危險位置(如平臺護欄、吊車吊鉤等)。
??????? ( 6 ) to climb, sit a dangerous position (such as platform guardrail, the crane hook .).
??????? (7)物體(成品、半成品、材料、工具、切屑和生產用品等)存放不當。
??????? ( 7 ) objects ( products, semi-finished products, materials, tools, cutting and production supplies ) stored improperly.
??????? (8)穿不安全裝束如在有旋轉零部件的設備旁作業(yè)時穿著過于肥大、寬松的服裝、操縱帶有旋轉零部件的設備時戴手套,穿高跟鞋、涼鞋或拖鞋進進車間等。
??????? (8 ) do not wear safety clothing such as equipment with rotating parts adjacent to work wearing too hypertrophy, loose clothing, control equipment with rotating parts to wear gloves, wear high-heeled shoes, sandals or slippers into the workshop.
??????? (9)必須使用個人防護用品,用具的作業(yè)或場合中,忽視其使用,如未戴各種個人防護用品。
??????? ( 9 ) must use personal protective equipment, equipment operation or occasion, ignoring its use, such as not wearing various personal protective articles.
??????? (10)無意或為排除故障而靠近危險部位,如在無防護罩的兩個相對運動零部件之間清理卡住物時,可能造成擠傷、夾斷、切斷、壓碎或人的肢體被卷進而造成嚴重的傷害。
??????? ( 10 ) accidentally or for troubleshooting and close to the dangerous parts, such as between no hood two relative motion parts cleaning stuck objects, may cause the squeeze, pinch off, cut, crushed or human body are involved in serious injury.
??????? 二、間接原因
??????? Two, indirect cause
??????? 幾乎所有事故的間接原因都與人的錯誤有關,盡管與事故直接有關的操縱職員并沒有出錯。這些間接原因可能是由于設計職員、設備制造、安裝調試、維護保養(yǎng)等人所犯的錯誤。間接原因包括:
??????? Indirect cause of almost all of the accident and human error, although with the accident directly related to the operator and no error. The indirect reason may be due to the design staff, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, maintenance and others mistakes committed. The indirect causes include:
??????? 1.技術和設計上的缺陷
??????? 1 defects in technology and design.
??????? 產業(yè)構件、建筑物(如室內照明、透風)、機械設備、儀器儀表、工藝過程、操縱方法、維修檢驗等的設計和材料使用等方面存在的題目。
??????? Industry, building components (such as indoor lighting, ventilation ), existing in mechanical equipment, instrumentation, process control, inspection and repair method, the design and materials used.
??????? (l)設計錯誤包括強度計算不準,材料選用不當,設備外觀不安全,結構設計不公道,操縱機構不當,未設計安全裝置等。即使設計職員選用的操縱器是正確的,假如在控制板上配置的位置不當,也可能使操縱職員混淆而發(fā)生操縱錯誤,或不適當地增加了操縱職員的反應時間而忙中出錯。