??????? 7、耐壓試驗
??????? 7. Pressure test
??????? 耐壓試驗前,應確認需監(jiān)檢的項目均監(jiān)檢合格,受壓企業(yè)應完成的各項工作均有見證。耐壓試驗時,監(jiān)檢人員必須親臨現(xiàn)場,檢查試驗裝置、儀表及準備工作,確認試驗結果。
??????? Before pressure test, confirm that all required items have passed the supervisory inspection and the supervised manufacturer has kept the testimony of the whole-completed work. During pressure test, the supervisory inspector shall check the test equipment, instruments, preparation work for testing and verify the test results on the site.
??????? 8、安全附件
??????? 8. Safety appurtenance
??????? 檢查安全附件數(shù)量、規(guī)格、型號及產品合格證應當符合要求。
??????? The number, specifications, types and certificates of compliance of safety appurtenances should meet the requirements.
??????? 9、氣密性試驗
??????? 9. Leak test
??????? 檢查氣密性的試驗結果,應當符合有關規(guī)范、標準及設計圖樣的要求。
??????? Check the leak test result to assure that it meets to the requirements of concerned code, standards, and design drawing.
??????? 10、出廠技術資料
??????? 10. Delivery technical data
??????? (1)審查出廠技術資料。
??????? Check the technical data to be delivered.
??????? (2)檢查銘牌內容應符合有關規(guī)定,在銘牌上打監(jiān)檢鋼印。
??????? Check the nameplate if the contents on it are in accordance with the relevant requirements, if so, stamp the supervisory inspection steel seal on the product's name plate.
??????? 11、監(jiān)檢資料
??????? 11. Supervisory inspection data
??????? 經監(jiān)檢合格的產品,監(jiān)檢人員應當根據(jù)《壓力容器產品安全性能監(jiān)督檢驗項目表》的要求及時匯總、審核見證資料,并由監(jiān)檢單位出具《監(jiān)檢證書》。
??????? Once the product has passed the supervisory inspection, the supervisory inspector should summarize and verify the testifying paper in time according to the Supervisory Inspection Items for Safety Performance of Pressure Vessel Products and issue the Supervisory Inspection Certificate.
??????? 五、監(jiān)檢程序
??????? Chapter 5 Supervisory Inspection Procedure
??????? 1、受檢企業(yè)資質、質量體系、人員資格及生產能力確認,內容包括:
??????? 1.?The certificate, quality management system, personnel qualification and production capability of the supervised manufacturer should be confirmed, which include:
??????? (1)、審查受檢企業(yè)制造許可證,確認其有效性;
??????? (1)?Examine the certificate of pressure vessel manufacturer; confirm the effectiveness of its qualification.
??????? (2)、審查受檢企業(yè)的質量體系文件(包括質量手冊、程序文件、管理制度、各責任人員的任免文件、質量信息反饋資料等)是否符合要求;
??????? (2)?Review the Documents on quality system (including quality manual, procedures, management rules, documents on appointment and dismiss of responsible persons, and quality information feedback data), Confirm that the Documents on quality system meet the requirements of corresponding codes.
??????? (3)、審查從事鍋爐壓力容器焊接的持證焊工的持證項目、有效期等是否符合要求;
??????? (3)?Check the qualified items, terms of validity of the qualified welders. The qualified items, terms of validity of the qualified welders engaged in the welding of pressure vessel products should meet the requirements of corresponding codes.
??????? (4)、審查從事鍋爐壓力容器質量檢驗的人員及從事無損檢測人員的持證項目、級別、有效期等是否符合要求;
??????? (4)?Check the qualified items, qualified level and terms of validity of the list of staff engaged in non-destructive examination and quality inspection. Their qualified items, qualified level and terms of validity should meet the requirements of corresponding codes.
??????? (5)、審查壓力容器的設計資料,工藝文件,制造、檢驗控制程序,以及焊接工藝評定一覽表等;
??????? (5)?Review the pressure vessel design data, manufacture procedure documents, manufacture and inspection control procedure, as well as the list of welding procedure qualifications.
??????? (6)、查看并確認受檢企業(yè)的生產能力。
??????? (6)?Check and verify the production capability of the supervised manufacturer.
??????? 2、按《監(jiān)檢項目表》(見附件)的內容實施監(jiān)檢工作。
??????? 2.?Supervisory inspection should be implemented according to the contents of Supervisory Inspection Items(Appendix 1).
??????? (1)、壓力容器產品監(jiān)檢項目分A類和B類。對A類項目,監(jiān)檢員必須到場進行監(jiān)檢,并在受檢企業(yè)提供的相應的見證文件(檢驗報告、記錄表、卡等,下同)上簽字確認;未經監(jiān)檢確認,不得流轉至下一道工序。對B類項目,監(jiān)檢員應到場進行監(jiān)檢,如不能到場監(jiān)檢,可在受檢企業(yè)自檢后,對受檢企業(yè)提供的相應見證文件進行審查并簽字確認。
??????? (1)?The Supervisory Inspection Items of pressure vessel products are classified into Category A and Category B.
??????? For the items of Category A, the supervisory inspector must conduct supervisory inspection on the site and should sign on the related testifying documents provided by the supervised manufacturer (including inspection report, recording forms and cards; similarly hereinafter). If the item has not been verified via supervisory inspection, the product cannot be transferred to the next working process.
??????? For the items of Category B, The supervisory inspector must conduct supervisory inspection on the site. If the supervisor inspection is not on the site, he(or she) should check and sign on the related testifying documents provided by the supervised manufacturer to validate the self-inspection of the manufacturer.
??????? (2)、受檢單位企業(yè)發(fā)生質量體系運轉和產品安全性能違反有關規(guī)定的一般問題時,監(jiān)檢員應當向受檢企業(yè)發(fā)出《鍋爐壓力容器產品安全性能監(jiān)督檢驗工作聯(lián)絡單》;發(fā)生違反有關規(guī)定的嚴重問題時,監(jiān)檢單位應當向受檢企業(yè)簽發(fā)《鍋爐壓力容器安全性能監(jiān)督檢驗意見通知書》,并報告國家質檢總局安全監(jiān)察機構。
??????? (2)?When the supervised manufacturer makes such general mistakes of the implementation of its quality system or the safety performance of its products against the related rules, the inspector should give out the Work Liaison Sheet of Safety Performance Supervisory Inspection of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Products to the supervised manufacturer. If the mistakes are serious, the supervisory inspection agency should give out the Notice on Safety Performance Supervisory Inspection of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Products to the supervised manufacturer. Besides, the supervisory inspection agency should report to Safety Supervision Department of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ).
??????? 3、總體驗收,出具報告:對產品進行總體驗收。經監(jiān)檢合格的產品,監(jiān)檢人員根據(jù)《壓力容器產品安全性能監(jiān)督檢驗項目表》的要求及時匯總、審核見證資料,由監(jiān)檢單位出具《壓力容器產品安全性能監(jiān)督檢驗證書》,并在產品銘牌上打監(jiān)檢鋼印。
??????? 3. Combined Supervisory Inspection of the supervised products. Once the product has passed the supervisory inspection, the supervisory inspector should summarize and verify the testifying paper in time according to the Supervisory Inspection Items for Safety Performance of Pressure Vessel Products, issue the Supervisory Inspection Certificate, and stamp the supervisory inspection steel seal on each product's name plate.
??????? 起草:衣粟???????????? 審核:???????????????????????? 批準: