

點(diǎn)擊數(shù): 906   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):一九八三年十二月二十九日國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)布
n, or of pollutant discharge by vessels inviolation of relevant regulations shall, after investigation and withconclusive evidence, be handled in accordance with stipulations regardlessof whether the party concerned confess or not.Article 49If a party concerned does not accept the decision on the administrativesanction, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the stipulationof Article 41 of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People'sRepublic of China.Article 50Individuals who, on their own initiative, report and expose pollutionaccidents by vessels, actively provide evidence, or adopt effectivemeasures to reduce pollution damage with outstanding results, shall becommended and rewarded.Article 51The fines paid by the vessels that caused the pollution damage or thedirectly responsible personnel shall all be turned over to the statetreasury as special funds. The money rewards for the relevant personnelprescribed in Article 50 of these Regulations shall be allocated fromstate finance after verification.
【章名】Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions
Article 52The terms as used in these Regulations are defined as follows:(1) "Harbors" refers to the coastal ports and the ports in the vicinity ofthe river outless to the sea, whose main function is for the seagoingvessels to dock, and which include the water areas and the sea laneswithin the limits of these port zones.(2) "Vessels" refers to motor- driven and non-motor-driven vessels of alltypes, but not including stationary and mobile platforms used in theoperations of exploration and development for offshore petroleum.(3) "Oils" refers to all kinds of oils and their refined products.(4) "Garbage from the vessels" refers to the domestic garbage of the crew,the slag, pads and materials used to partition cabins and the materialsswept out of the cabins normally generated by the vessels themselves inthe course of their shipping business and production, and such materialsas the scrapped tools, rigging and spare parts of machines on the vessels.(5) "Existing vessels" refers to the vessels available before March 1,1983.Article 53With regard to the control of foreign vessels, in addition to implementingthese Regulations, the principle of reciprocity with the countries thatthe vessels belongs to may be applied.Article 54The State fishing administrations and organs of supervision and control offishing ports shall exercise the functions and powers of the organs incharge as stipulated in these Regulations in the fishing harbour waterareas.Article 55With respect to the prevention of pollution in areas under militarycontrol and on board military vessels, the military environmentalprotection departments shall formulate separate specific stipulations inaccordance with the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People'sRepublic of China and these Regulations.Article 56These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.
庫(kù) 名: 01. 國(guó)家法律法規(guī)庫(kù)(49年--94年)(全 部)
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