

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


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發(fā) 文 號:中華人民共和國主席令第七號
, administrative statutes andrules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.Article 11Non-military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the internalwaters and harbours of the People's Republic of China without the approvalof its competent authorities. However, under unexpected circumstances suchas critical illness of personnel, engine breakdown or the vessels being indistress or seeking shelter from weather when they do not have the time toobtain approval, they may, while entering China's internal waters ofharbour, make an emergency report to the competent authorities and shallobey its directions.Military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the territorialwaters of the People's Republic of China without the approval of theGovernment of the People's Republic of China.Article 12Vessels sailing on international routes that enter and leave the harboursof the People's Republic of China must accept inspection by the competentauthorities. Vessels of Chinese nationality sailing on domestic routesthat enter and leave such harbours must obtain port entry and departurevisas.Article 13Vessels of foreign nationality entering and leaving a harbour of thePeople's Republic of China, navigating or shifting berths in the harbourarea, or approaching or leaving mooring points or loading spots outsidethe harbour must be navigated by a pilot designated by the competentauthorities.Article 14When entering or leaving harbours or passing through controlled trafficareas, crowded navigable areas or areas where navigational conditions arerestricted, vessels must observe the special regulations promulgated bythe Government of the People's Republic of China or by the competentauthorities.Article 15Vessels shall be prohibited from entering or passing through restrictednavigation zones unless specially permitted by the competent authorities.Article 16Towing operations on the open sea involving large-sized installations andmobile platforms must undergo towing inspection conducted by vesselinspection departments and be reported to the competent authorities forexamination and approval.
Article 17If the competent authorities finds the actual condition of a vessel to benot in conformity with what is stated in the vessel's certificates, itshall have the right to require the vessel to apply for a new inspectionor notify its owner or manager to adopt effective safety measures.Article 18If the competent authorities believes that a vessel presents a menace tothe safety of a harbour, it shall have the right to forbid the vessel fromentering the harbour or to order it to leave the harbour.Article 19The competent authorities shall have the right to forbid a vessel or aninstallation from leaving the harbour or order it to suspend its voyage,change its route or cease its operations under any one of the followingcircumstances:(1) if it violates any law, administrative statute or other rule orregulation of the People's Republic of China;(2) if it is in a condition unsuitable for navigation or towing;(3) if it was involved in a traffic accident and has not completed thenecessary formalities;(4) if it has not paid the fees that are due or furnished appropriatesecurity to the competent authorities or the department concerned: or(5) if the competent authorities considers that there are othercircumstances that will jeopardize or might jeopardize maritime trafficsafety.
【章名】Chapter V Safety Protection
Article 20Construction operations to be carried out on the surface or underwater incoastal waters and the demarcation of corresponding safe operation zonesmust be reported to the competent authorities for examination and approvaland must be publicly announced. Vessels not involved in the constructionproject may not enter the safe operation zones. The construction unit maynot enlarge such zones without authorization. When shore lines are to beused in harbour areas or when construction work, including overheadoperations, is to be carried out on the sea surface or underwater in suchareas, the plan and a drawing thereof must be submitted to the competentauthorities for examination and approval.Article 21The designation of restricted navigation zones in coastal waters must beapproved by the State Council or the competent authorities. However, thedesignation of restricted navigation zones for military purposes shall beapproved by the competent department of the state in charge of militaryaffairs.The restricted navigation zones shall be announced by the competentauthorities.Article 22Without the approval of the competent authorities, no installations may beestablished or constructed, nor may any activities that hindernavigational safety be carried out in harbour areas, anchorages,navigation lanes, or crowded navigable areas, as well as in navigationroutes announced by the competent authorities.With respect to any installations which have been established orconstructed in the above-mentioned areas without authorization, thecompetent authorities shall have the right to order their owners to removeor dismantle the installations within a given period of time.Article 23It shall be forbidden to damage navigation aids or navigationalfacilities. Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilitiesshall immediately report the damage to the competent authorities and beliable for compensation.Article 24Vessels and installations shall promptly make a report to the competentauthorities if they discover any of the following situations:(1) If navigation aids or navigational facilities malfunction or becomeabnormal;(2) if an obstacle or drifting object jeopardizing the safety ofnavigation is discovered; or(3) if there are other abnormal situations jeopardizing the safety ofnavigation.
Article 25No obstacle affecting the efficacy of navigation aids may be erected orinstalled in areas surrounding the aids. Any lights in the vicinity of thenavigation aids or navigational lanes that jeopardize navigation safetyshall be properly screened.Article 26When removing or dismantling installations, salvaging or removing sunkenships or objects, and handling the finishing operations of underwaterprojects, no hidden dangers shall be left to menace navigational oroperational safety. Before the aforesaid operations have been properlycompleted, their owners or managers must be responsible for erectingmarkers as required and making an accurate report to the competentauthority on the type, shape, size and location of the obstacle and thedepth of water over it.Article 27Safety administration must be strengthened with respect to harbourwharves, mooring points and loading spots outside of harbour areas as wellas ship locks, so that they are always kept in good condition.Article 28To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competentauthority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbouranchorages. The designation of anchorages outside of harbour areas shallbe announced by the competent authority after the report relative theretohas been submitted to and approved by higher authorities.Article 29The competent authorities shall, in accordance with relevant provisions ofthe state, be responsible for issuing navigational warnings andnavigational notices.Article 30In order to ensure the safety of navigation, berthing and operations, thedepartments concerned shall maintain unimpeded communications facilities,ensure distinct and effective navigation aids and navigational facilitiesand, in a timely manner, provide offshore meteorological forecasts andnecessary books and reference materials concerning maritime navigation.Article 31When vessels and installations are involved in accidents that jeopardizeor may jeopardize traffic safety, the competent authorities shall have theright to take necessary, compulsory measures to deal with the matter.
【章名】Chapter VI Transport of Dangerous Goods
Article 32When vessels or installations store, load, unload or transport dangerousgoods, th
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