

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):一九七九年八月二十五日國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)一九七九年九月十八日交通部
te when in contact with water, combustible liquids, combustiblesolids and acid corrosives, vessels shall list in detail the names of thegoods, their properties, package, quantity and loading position, and alsoattach the instructions concerning the properties of the dangerous goodsto the lists and apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administrationthrough the agent companies for foreign vessels for clearance visas threedays before their scheduled arrival at the ports. Only with approval maythey enter the port, unload goods, or pass through the transit. To carrythe above mentioned dangerous goods, outgoing vessels shall apply forclearance visas three days before the start of loading. Only withapproval may they load and carry.Article 29In applying for the safety certificates for loading and carrying dangerousgoods for export, vessels shall make written applications to the HarbourSuperintendency Administration three days before the start of loading,clearly stating the names of the dangerous goods, their properties,package, quantity, loading position (also attached with loading plans ofthe goods), midway ports, port of destination, etc. Loading shall be doneat the berths specified by the Harbour Superintendency Administration.
【章名】Chapter V Safeguard of Navigation Lanes
Article 30In navigation, vessels shall abide by the provisions for and maintain theorder of navigation. If a vessel encounters an accident and is in dangerof sinking, it shall promptly report to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration and take effective measures as best as it can to sail outof the lane so as not to obstruct navigation and endanger other vessels.If the vessel has sunk, the vessel side shall duly set up a temporarysignal mark at the place of its sinking.Article 31The salvage of vessels or other articles which have sunk in the ports orcoastal waters shall be handled in accordance with the "Measures of thePeople's Republic of China for the Administration of the Salvage of SunkenVessels and Sunken Articles". The Harbour Superintendency Administrationshall, according to particular circumstances, notify the owners of thesunken vessels or sunken articles to salvage and remove them within aprescribed period, or promptly organize the salvage or dismantlement andremoval; the entire responsibilities and expenses shall be borne by theowners of the sunken ship and sunken articles.Article 32If a vessel, finds or dredges up any sunken or floating article, it shallreport, or hand it over for handling, to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration, which shall give awards at its discretion.Article 33If a vessel has to dump rubbish and other refuse in a port, it shalldisplay the signal stipulated by the port to call up a rubbish boat (ortruck).Article 34Vessels shall take good care of lane installations and navigational aids.If a vessel has damaged any navigational aid, port construction or otherfacilities, it shall promptly report to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration and undertake to restore them or pay compensation for therestoration.
【章名】Chapter VI Prevention of Pollution
Article 35In the ports and coastal waters of the People's Republic of China, vesselsshall be prohibited from wilfully draining away oils, oil mixtures andother pernicious pollutants and wastes.Article 36Vessels shall apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administration forapproval for draining away ballast water, washing water from holds orbilge water. A vessel that comes from an epidemic-affected port shall gothrough the hygienic treatment of the quarantine. The bilge water andwashing water from the holds of vessels carrying dangerous goods and otherpernicious pollutants may be drained at specified places only afterappraisal which indicates that they meet the standards of the publichealth department concerned.Article 37All oil tankers and vessels using fuel oil shall possess oils registersand duly and truly make entries therein in accordance with variousprovisions of the registers.Article 38If polluting accidents occur with vessels in the ports or coastal waters,they shall record the course of events separately in their oils registersand sea logs, promptly report to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration and at the same time take effective measures to preventdiffusion of the pollutants. If treatment with chemicals is required, itis necessary to apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administrations forapproval, and provide them with the instructions of the chemicalingredients.Article 39Matters not included in this chapter shall be handled in accordance withthe provisions of the People's Republic of China relating to theprevention of pollution of waters.
【章名】Chapter VII Fire Control and Rescue
Article 40It shall strictly be forbidden to smoke or make fires in cargo holds orother places prone to fire on board the vessels.Article 41Strict fire-prevention and safety measures shall be taken for therefueling of vessels and for the loading and unloading operations of oiltankers.Article 42To perform such engineering projects as welding or soldering on board avessel, the surroundings, shall be cleared in advance, strict precautionmeasures be taken, firefighting equipment be made ready and inspection beconducted before and after the operations. The oil tanks and theiradjacent parts shall necessarily be emptied of all oil materials, clearedof residues of oil, thoroughly ventilated, with their internal combustiblegases discharged and certified as up-to-standard before welding orsoldering can be carried out.Article 43If a vessel catches fire or encounters a sea peril, it shall promptlyreport to the Harbour Superintendency Administration such conditions asscene of the accident, tonnage of vessel, draft, cargo carried, damages,and the kind of assistance required.Article 44If necessary, the Harbour Superintendency Administration may mobilize andcommand the vessels in the port or coastal waters to take part in therescue of a vessel in trouble and under the circumstances that their ownsafety will not be affected, the mobilized vessels have the responsibilityto partake in the rescue as best as they can.Article 45When the Harbour Superintendency Administration or leading members of therescue department arrive at the scene, the captain of the vessel introuble shall promptly report the state of the accident and the measureswhich have been taken and supply the data and facilities required for therescue. He may also make suggestions concerning the rescue. The partiesconcerned shall observe the decisions made by the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration for the maintenance of security and order.
【章名】Chapter VIII Accidents of Damages at Sea
Article 46When an accident of damages at sea occurs to a vessel, it shall make asummary report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration by telegraphor radio-telephone as soon as possible. With regard to the occurrence ofan accident of damages at sea outside a port area, the captain shallsubmit a report about the accident to the Harbour SuperintendencyAdministration within forty-eight hours of the vessel's entry into thefirst port of call. With regard to the occurrence of an accident ofdamages at sea within the port, the captain shall submit a report aboutthe accident to the Harbour Superintendency Administration within 24hours.Article 47When a vessel causes an accident in the port or coastal waters of thePeople's Republic of China, which results in the loss of human life anddamage to property, it shall actively attempt to rescue the damaged vesseland injured personnel, promptly report the matter to the HarbourSuperintendency Administration and subject itself to investigation andhandling. The troublemaker who does not rescue those in danger but hidesitself or runs away shall be severely dealt with.Article 48If the death of a seaman occurs on board a vessel, the vessel shallpromptly make a report to the Harbour
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