

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):1987年11月28日國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)布
its, medical colleges and scientific researchinstitutions. A national supply plan of narcotic drugs shall be drawn bya department appointed by the State Administration for Medicine andsubmitted to the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administrationfor Medicine for examination and approval before it is issued forimplementation.Article 10The plan for the setting up of a trading unit of narcotic drugs shall beput forward jointly by the administrative department of health andmedicine administrative department in each province, autonomous region, ormunicipality directly under the Central Government and shall be examinedand approved by the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administrationfor Medicine. The trading units shall provide narcotic drugs only to thoseconsumer units approved by the administrative department of health andwithin the prescribed quota. No supply for any other unit or person ispermitted.Article 11Poppy capsules used for medical purposes shall be supplied by the tradingunits appointed by the State Administration for Medicine and medicinedepartment in each province, autonomous region, or municipality directlyunder the Central Government. No other unit shall be allowed to engage insuch business. Poppy capsules must be allotted to the consumer units inaccordance with the plan examined and approved jointly by the Ministry ofPublic Health and the State Administration for Medicine. Poppy capsulesshall be supplied to the medical treatment units for clinical use and tothe trading units designated by the administrative departments of healthat or above the county level for clinical application endorsed with anoffice seal of their respective medical treatment units. No retail sale ofpoppy capsules is allowed. The pharmaceutical factories that need poppycapsules in the production of ready made Chinese medicine must submitplans to the medicine administrative department in their province,autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Governmentfor examination and then to the administrative department of health forapproval before production.Article 12A trading unit of narcotic drugs must have a special storehouse orcounter(s) with good storage conditions and assign a person or personswith special responsibility for the storage, transportation and supply ofnarcotic drugs.
【章名】Chapter IV Transportation of Narcotic Drugs
Article 13A permit for domestic consignment issued by the Ministry of Public Healthis needed when going through shipment formalities for transportingmedicinal opium. Shipment of medicinal opium from the cultivation unit tothe storehouse of the State Administration for Medicine shall be escortedby the people sent by the consignor unit. Shipment of medicinal opium fromthe storehouse to the production enterprises shall be escorted by thepeople sent by consignee unit. The number of escorts shall be decided inaccordance with the regulations of the transportation department.Permit for domestic transportation of such drugs shall be printed solelyby the Ministry of Public Health.Article 14When consigning narcotic drugs or poppy capsules (not including medicinalopium), the production unit or the supply unit must put down clearly thewords of Narcotic Drug in the blank for the name of goods on the shippingdocument and a seal for consignment of Narcotic Drug must be stamped inthe space left for the consignor.Article 15The freighter unit must tighten control over the shipment of narcoticdrugs and poppy capsules by dispatching the consignment promptly andshortening its storage time at the station, on the dock or at the airport.They must not be transported in open wagons on railways and, if by ship,no loading on hold surface is allowed and, if by truck, they must besecurely fastened up and safely protected.Article 16In the event that any of the narcotic drugs or poppy capsules are foundmissing in the course of transportation, the freighter-unit must reportthe case promptly to the local public security organ and theadministrative department of health for investigation.
【章名】Chapter V Import and Export of Narcotic Drugs
Article 17The import and export of narcotic drugs shall be handled by the unitsappointed by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade inaccordance with State regulations concerning foreign trade.No other units shall be allowed to engage in the business. The annual planfor import and export of narcotic drugs shall be subject to examinationand approval by the Ministry of Public Health.Article 18The import of narcotic drugs needed in medical treatment units, medicalcolleges of or medical science research institutions must be verified andapproved by the Ministry of Public Health. Only after an Import Licensefor Narcotic Drugs is granted can these units apply to go through importformalities.Article 19The export of narcotic drugs must be verified and approved by the Ministryof Public Health. An application and an import license which is aprerequisite to going through import formalities for narcotic drugs issuedby the competent government department of the importing country must bepresented before the Ministry of Public Health issues an Export Licensefor Narcotic Drugs.Article 20Import and export licenses for narcotic drugs shall be printed exclusivelyby the Ministry of Public Health.
【章名】Chapter VI The Use of Narcotic Drugs
Article 21Narcotic drugs shall only be used for medical treatment, in teaching atmedical colleges and in medical science research. Any medical treatmentunit with medical wards and with surgical or other necessary medicaltreatment facilities may file an application to the local administrativedepartment of health. Upon approval by the administrative department ofhealth at a higher level, and after the level of supply is verified, aPurchase Card for Narcotic Drugs shall be issued. The aforesaid unit maypurchase the needed narcotic drugs from the designated trading unitsaccording to the fixed quota. When the medical colleges or scientificresearch institutions are in need of narcotic drugs, they shall file anapplication to the administrative department of health at a higher leveland, upon approval, may purchase these drugs from the trading units ofnarcotic drugs. The Ministry of Public Health is the authority to make outthe grading standard of rations.Article 22Narcotic consuming unit must fill out an application form for whenpurchasing, narcotic drugs and the supplying unit must check the variousseals and the number of seals stamped on the form before supplying themwith the kind of drugs on quarterly ration as stipulated in theregulations set by the Ministry of Public Health.Article 23The unit in need of narcotic drugs can either purchase them directly fromthe trading units or by mail order. In the latter case, however, theshipping documents and certificates must be sent out by registered mail.When sending the narcotic drugs by post, the sender-trading unit isrequired to stamp a Seal for Narcotic Drugs on the parcel form and topresent to the post office the invoice with a Seal for Narcotic Drugsstamped on.Article 24Preparations that fall under the category of narcotic drugs must bepurchased from the trading units of narcotic drugs. In case that they arenot available or special preparations are needed by the medical treatmentunits, the authorized consuming medical units may prepare them bythemselves with approval by the administrative department of health at orabove the county level. No other unit shall be allowed to prepare any formof anaesthetic.Article 25The medical worker who prescribes any anaesthetics for the patient must bea qualified physician or a surgeon, who is tested to have been able to usesuch drugs properly. The surgeon at the induced abortion ward who istested to have been able to use such drugs properly may have the right toprescribe anaesthetics for the person to be operated on.
Article 26Dosage for injection in each prescrip
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